The Fill Pattern dialog box enables you to create various patterns such as backgrounds or others applications. This dialog box includes three different types of fill pattern and contains three tabs:

You can create and insert each of them into your Work page. You can also edit any of the patterns from built-in library.

Color tab

The options to design Colored patterns are as follows:

The following options let you create different Color patterns and add them to the library.

For some of the Colored patterns, you can shift a center of symmetry dragging pointer in the Preview window. If you selected the Brush pattern option, dragging in the Preview window will produce different visual effects.

To restore a center of symmetry of the pattern, right-click anywhere inside the Preview window.

Brush  and Picture tabs

The Brush and Picture tabs include the built-in libraries of brushes and pictures.

You can see selected brush or picture in the Preview window. Dragging in the preview window scales the sizes for one brush or picture element.

Right-clicking in case of Brush and Picture options sets an origination point of these patterns to the upper left corner of the Preview window and restores the sizes of the brush or picture to the default.

Checking the Keep Size and Aspect Ratio of Picture box let you keep size and aspect ratio of one brush or picture element when resizing. If the box is cleared, pattern will only be stretched.